In The Three Musketeers by Dumas, Cardinal Richelieu is labeled as the villain. How could he be presented as a hero instead?

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Think of some of Cardinal Richelieu's motivations for his actions. He is trying to undermine the Queen — why? Is it because she rejected his romantic advances or because she was having an affair with an Englishman, which could have had damaging ramifications on the French because England was an enemy to France at the time? Or was Richelieu simply acting out of his own lust for power — or was it because he recognized the King's weaknesses and yearned for a stronger ruler for the country he loved? Bear in mind that while he battled the musketeers, he clearly respected their bravery and courage, especially d'Artagnan. Is that a characteristic of your typical villain, or not?

Perhaps some of these questions can help you tackle your own question about Richelieu's role as a villain.

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